An Open Letter to President Obama
Mr. President: 26 Sep 13 I be Captain Shivers, the Blind Pirate, and I wanted to take some time out of
Mr. President: 26 Sep 13 I be Captain Shivers, the Blind Pirate, and I wanted to take some time out of
Recently a friend of mine pointed out that his website – where there are actual words that someone would have
When it comes to overspending, exploiting American rights for American security, pork-barreling, and playing politics with the critical issues that
A relative of mine asked me this morning about the investiture many (most?) of our politicians have in a stock
A friend of mine recently sent me Radley Balko’s recent article from the Saturday Essay column of the Wall Street Journal
A friend of mine drew my attention to this video recently. This was produced by an obviously Christian-biased organization, but the
It takes an average of 58 minutes for the Police to respond to a 911 call in Detroit. Many times
In the wake of the trial in Florida of George Zimmerman for his part in the shooting death of Travon Martin
In response to the not guilty verdict handed down in the Zimmerman case once again we see the parade of
Sitting here in Afghanistan watching Bill O’Reilly, and he’s interviewing LeVar Burton – dude with the visor from Star Trek