Category: Democratic Party

Trump Contends with Hostile Liberal Media During Daily COVID Briefings

Trump’s Katrina?

I’m very hesitant to write about the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (or COVID-19) while we’re still in the middle of this mess, while we’re watching the daily death toll, before all the facts are in.  At any rate, I’ll try to present my thoughts here as coherently as possible in the face of insufficient facts

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It's Not Your Father's DNC Anymore

The Battle for the Control of the DNC?

If you think for a second that the agenda of senior DNC leadership is NOT all about Socialism, control of the means of production and the concentration of power in an oppressive Federal government, you are sadly mistaken. The Dems want that power more than anything, and they’re willing to say and do ANYTHING to

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The Nothing Burger

Well it seems that President Trump may have finally had enough of his Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  So, why is President Trump so pissed off at Sessions?  Here are 25 good reasons, in no particular order… Where’s his investigation of illegal unmasking of U.S. citizens by Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Adviser with no part

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Josef Goebbels, Hitler's Propaganda Master


An assertion is a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.  If the assertion is a clearly proven fact (or a statement supported by clearly proven facts), things pretty much have to stop there – or, at least they should stop there.  Facts are, after all, well… facts.  As the saying goes we have

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Portland Rioters Rage Against Trump

A Liberal Tantrum

As I write this (November 12th), Liberal anarchists are rioting in downtown Portland… for the third night in a row now.  In fact, there are riots in more than a dozen major cities across America tonight… for the third night in a row.  We’ve seen dozens of celebrities promise to leave the United States.  Others

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Hillary Clinton delivers her concession speech

Thanks Be To God

Personally – for what it’s worth – I am excited to see what the next four years will bring.  I am quite relieved to see Barack Obama leaving.  I am thankful to God that Hillary Clinton and her husband are forever gone from the landscape of American politics.  I would like to see the Clintons

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Think it can't happen here?

Some Things Will Simply Not Change

Regardless of who wins the November 2016 election some very important things that are happening in America will not change.  The path on which Americans themselves have set this nation is largely fixed. American Christianity is under attack.  I mention this first because there IS a God, and America WAS founded by Christians who believed

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What Speaker of the House Paul Ryan SHOULD have said…

What Speaker of the House Paul Ryan SHOULD have said to the main stream media about Mr. Trump’s locker room audio… ===== Mr. Trump’s comments to which you are referring were made 11 years ago.  He’s apologized and fair-minded Americans will accept that apology.  Of course for partisan Democrats no apology will ever be sufficient. 

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Notice Ta Me Crew!

Make no mistake; although I do count myself with the TEA Party, in Nov 2014 and again in Nov 2016 I will vote straight Republican Party line, and I don’t care if Bozo the Clown is leading the ticket. I have stated many times that I now consider myself to be a TEA Party member,

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The 45% – Partly Dead is Still Mostly Alive

Somewhere between 40% and 45%… that’s about how many Americans still think Obama and the Democrats are doing a good job.  Of course you can bet that those are all Democrats! But that does NOT mean that the inverse portion of Americans – the other 55% to 60% – is suddenly going to suddenly start

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