Category: Obamacare

Cllinton and Putin

What Matters to 46.4% of Americans

Last night President Trump visited Bashar al-Assad with 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles built right here in the good ‘ol U S of A, and a lot more Americans than Liberals really want to believe wholeheartedly approve of that move.  The Russians and the bleeding heart, nothing-is-worth-war crowd on the American Left… well, not so much.

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The Obamanomics of Health Care & Immigration

Did you know that under ObamaCare – a law that is obviously already on the books and in full effect as of just a few days ago – under this new law, employers who hire non-US citizens that are here in America legally on work visas (for example) do not have to pay into that

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One of My Few Pleasures

The ObamaCare website is a total mess.  I used to design websites and that’s still part of what I do.  The ObamaCare website isn’t just not very good it’s a total train wreck.  It’s bad all the way down to its very core code.  Every website expert and computer security expert has panned the thing

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Your “Right” to Health Care

A new survey finds that 80 percent of U.S. adults face unemployment and near-poverty; “Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor, and the loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.” During his weekly address on August 17,

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Election Day – Predictions for the Future of the Republican Party

Well it’s not really Election Day, but it is November 4th. The Obama administration will eventually get the ObamaCare website right, and that’ not the real issue.  However somewhere in the vicinity of 20 million working, VOTING Americans will lose their insurance in the meantime and the website may not be up in time to

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Problem Solving One Step at a Time: ObamaCare and the Scientific Method

The Dems are fond of complaining that the GOP has no plan that would take the place of ObamaCare.  That’s true, but only because ObamaCare changes everything, and the GOP is not in favor of changing everything.  But to say that the GOP has no plans to address the fundamental problems with American health care

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The New ObamaCar

So lemme get this straight.  You passed a law that was to have provided low-cost insurance to America’s poor who could not otherwise afford it.  In order to do that we now learn that you have redefined the word “insurance.”  Now you’re telling all Americans exactly which features are “acceptable” in any and all insurance

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Facts and Predictions

Fact; Doctors are falling in line to refuse to support ObamaCare and to treat patients insured by those plans approximately 2:1.  Prediction; Not enough paying contributors will sign up for ObamaCare.  As “Baby Boomers” age and pass into their geriatric phase of life when health care costs skyrocket, and as the new law provides free

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A million individual insurance plans have already been cancelled by major insurance companies across America because of ObamaCare.  Millions more are pending cancellation.  Overall there may be as many as 10+ million individual insurance plans cancelled. Documents recently released by the Department of Health and Human Services under the Freedom of Information Act show that

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Unemployment and Obamacare

Did you know that under Obama Care – a law that is already on the books, and that will come into full effect over the next two years – under this new law, employers who hire non-US citizens that are here in America legally on work visas (for example) do not have to pay into

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