Category: Big Government

It's Not Your Father's DNC Anymore

The Battle for the Control of the DNC?

If you think for a second that the agenda of senior DNC leadership is NOT all about Socialism, control of the means of production and the concentration of power in an oppressive Federal government, you are sadly mistaken. The Dems want that power more than anything, and they’re willing to say and do ANYTHING to

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How Bernie Sanders Plans to Pay for His ‘Green New Deal’

Well, it’s been quite a while since I’ve run up me semaphores, but watching the news this morning really shivered me timbers!  There’s a storm risin’ fer sure!  (I just love talking like a Pirate, and this blog is about the only place I really get to do that!) Today, the self-proclaimed Socialist Democrat Senator

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What Speaker of the House Paul Ryan SHOULD have said…

What Speaker of the House Paul Ryan SHOULD have said to the main stream media about Mr. Trump’s locker room audio… ===== Mr. Trump’s comments to which you are referring were made 11 years ago.  He’s apologized and fair-minded Americans will accept that apology.  Of course for partisan Democrats no apology will ever be sufficient. 

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National Debt Now $19,000,000,000,000

Original article posted October 18th, 2013: National debt hits $17 trillion dollars today Update: December 11th, 2014… national debt hits $18,000,000,000,000 Update: January 29th, 2016… national debt hits $19,000,000,000,000 – yay us! On January 29th, 2009 when President Obama took office the national debt was $10,600,000,000,000.  Since then he has added $8,400,000,000,000+ all by his lonesome –

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The Mad Scot on Hillary, Immigration and Such

Here’s a bit from me First Mate… The Mad Scot! Republican = 206, Democrat = 247, Neutral = 85 The “Demmies” just love themselves some illegal immigrants!  Each blue state you see there has been blue in every Presidential election since 1992. A couple o’ hundred thousand new voters in Florida, much less a couple million

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Rights? What Rights?

Can you imagine your friends telling you things like, “just go to your job, come home, watch the game on cable, spend time with your family, and don’t cause trouble”? How about “don’t speak out so much man, and you won’t attract so much attention from the government.  Can’t you just accept your place in

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America’s Poorest Cities Run by Dems, But Poorest States Run by GOP?

I recently received an e-mail telling me that America’s 10 poorest cities were – and mostly have been for many years – run by Democrats.  I’ve seen this claim before, and decided to get to the bottom of this issue. The e-mail cites the U.S. Census Bureau, 2006 American Community Survey of August 2007, so

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Obama’s 923 Executive Orders (Not)

Some of you may have received an e-mail telling you about how President Obama is abusing his power through the overuse and overreach of Executive Orders.  First the e-mail claims that he’s already issued more than 900 EOs in just 4+ years in office.  Second the author further alleges that the President is laying the

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The Guns of DHS (Updated 9 Dec, 2013)

Some of you have already heard the rumors swirling around the Internet for the past year that the US government – specifically the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is currently in the process of purchasing… • 7,000 assault weapons • 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition (yes, that’s billion with a “b”) – that’s almost 5

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Your “Right” to Health Care

A new survey finds that 80 percent of U.S. adults face unemployment and near-poverty; “Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor, and the loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.” During his weekly address on August 17,

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