Author: The Captain

Illegal Border Crossing

Citizenship… It’s Not That Hard

With all this talk over so many years about what to do with the millions of “illegal aliens” (that’s what U.S. law really does call them, by the way) that are already here in America, have you ever stopped to wonder why so many people come into this country illegally in the first place? Have

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The Nothing Burger

Well it seems that President Trump may have finally had enough of his Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  So, why is President Trump so pissed off at Sessions?  Here are 25 good reasons, in no particular order… Where’s his investigation of illegal unmasking of U.S. citizens by Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Adviser with no part

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Josef Goebbels, Hitler's Propaganda Master


An assertion is a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.  If the assertion is a clearly proven fact (or a statement supported by clearly proven facts), things pretty much have to stop there – or, at least they should stop there.  Facts are, after all, well… facts.  As the saying goes we have

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Cllinton and Putin

What Matters to 46.4% of Americans

Last night President Trump visited Bashar al-Assad with 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles built right here in the good ‘ol U S of A, and a lot more Americans than Liberals really want to believe wholeheartedly approve of that move.  The Russians and the bleeding heart, nothing-is-worth-war crowd on the American Left… well, not so much.

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Resolute Desk

Obama’s Real Legacy Is Trump’s Inheritance

Do you recall the scene in J.R.R. Tolkien movie “The Two Towers” when our intrepid band of adventurers explains to King Theoden that open war is upon him… whether he would have it or not? The breathless fears being expressed by the American Left that President Elect Donald Trump will take office and somehow plunge

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Is This What Your Workplace Looks Like?

It’s a Dangerous Life

Police live dangerous lives.  They risk their lives when they put on their uniforms each morning; many don’t even dare wear their uniforms from their homes to their stations for fear of retribution toward their families.  They’re on the road constantly; they risk their lives every time they turn on their lights and sirens.  The

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Guns or Pot - Your Choice

Here It Comes!

I wrote an article back in September of this year titled “Some of you just lost your right to buy a firearm… no really – I mean it!” The gist of that article is this… “Effective September 1st of this year the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that medical marijuana users cannot buy guns.

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Obama fantasizing about normal, peaceful relations with Russia and Putin

The Last Apology Tour

I am shocked by the fact that the Liberal leaders of Europe have the gall to ask President Obama how America could possibly elect a man like Donald Trump to the office of President… and I am sickened by the fact my President has the gall to try to offer an explanation. But then, it’s

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Portland Rioters Rage Against Trump

A Liberal Tantrum

As I write this (November 12th), Liberal anarchists are rioting in downtown Portland… for the third night in a row now.  In fact, there are riots in more than a dozen major cities across America tonight… for the third night in a row.  We’ve seen dozens of celebrities promise to leave the United States.  Others

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Take a moment to realize...

Veterans Day 2016

Today is Veterans Day – a day we set aside as a federal holiday and national public appreciation for all who have served in the defense of our freedom since our nation’s founding (although the official holiday is only about 90 years old.)  Originally known as Armistice Day, Veterans Day pays homage to ALL who

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