Author: The Captain

It's Not Your Father's DNC Anymore

The Battle for the Control of the DNC?

If you think for a second that the agenda of senior DNC leadership is NOT all about Socialism, control of the means of production and the concentration of power in an oppressive Federal government, you are sadly mistaken. The Dems want that power more than anything, and they’re willing to say and do ANYTHING to

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Trump Rallies His Supporters

Doom and Gloom… President Trump is Destroying America

The Presidency was supposed to have gone to Hillary Clinton in 2016.  Everyone knew that.  The Democrats knew it.  The Liberal media knew it.  Hell, even the Republicans knew it.  And every poll in America showed that as the only possible result… right up to election night.  Absolutely NOBODY expected Donald Trump to win in

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Wreckage of Soleimani's Vehicle

Death of a Monster

Iran is a global sponsor of terror.  They’ve been on the U.S. list of terrorist nations since 1984.  Their Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its subordinate special operations organization the Quds Force (In Arabic, Jerusalem is most commonly known as al-Quds, meaning “The Holy Sanctuary”) which specializes in unconventional warfare and operates globally organizing,

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How Bernie Sanders Plans to Pay for His ‘Green New Deal’

Well, it’s been quite a while since I’ve run up me semaphores, but watching the news this morning really shivered me timbers!  There’s a storm risin’ fer sure!  (I just love talking like a Pirate, and this blog is about the only place I really get to do that!) Today, the self-proclaimed Socialist Democrat Senator

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President Obama and President Putin

An Examination of U.S.-Russian Relations Over Two Administrations

FACT: Let’s start by listing the number of times that President Obama met with the Russian President – either Dmitry Medvedev or Vladimir Putin… June 6th to 8th, 2009 he met in Moscow with President Dmitry Medvedev and (then) Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. December 17th to 19th, 2009 he met in Copenhagen with Russian President

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Bernie Sanders - American Socialist

Almost Half of America

For decades Americans have been subjected to a campaign of propaganda to bolster Socialism, erode our Constitutional rights, control our thoughts and behavior, and generally weaken the Christian, conservative morals and beliefs on which our country was founded.  The Democratic Party has been hijacked by Socialists, and the Leftist main stream media has provided a

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U.S. Cruise Missile

In Defense of Action

Like many of you, I am watching the coverage of the U.S. and coalition strikes against Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad’s chemical weapons production facilities this past Friday, April 13th, 2018. Was striking Syria the right thing to do?  I believe that it was. Chemical and biological weapons are inhuman, and they are illegal in

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Congress is Addicted to Spending YOUR Money

The 2018 Consolidated Appropriations Act (Omnibus)

The $1.3 trillion 2018 “Omnibus Spending Bill” officially became the “Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) of 2018” when it was signed into law by President Donald Trump on March 23, 2018. Obviously, the passage of the Act avoids a government shutdown, and gets us out of the cycle of endless “Continuing Resolutions Acts” which fund the government for only

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American Steel

The Case for Tariffs

President Trump feels that his recent decision to impose broad tariffs on imported, foreign steel and aluminum makes perfect sense, and that these actions will lead to a stronger America. Here’s why. Following decades of bad foreign trade policy conducted by both Republican and Democrat administrations who hadn’t a clue how to negotiate real business

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No Caption Needed

It’s Been a Great Year!

Despite what you are hearing from the American Socialist, Leftist main stream media – and honestly, even from Fox News and other Conservative news sources – President Trump has actually accomplished so much in his first year that it’s difficult to sum it all up… and 2018 is shaping up to surpass 2017 in that regard.

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