Suddenly… it’s “Pride Month 2023”
You can roll your eyes and tell me that the “LGBTQ movement” and “Pride Month” are just examples of a small, but vocal fringe percentage
You can roll your eyes and tell me that the “LGBTQ movement” and “Pride Month” are just examples of a small, but vocal fringe percentage
On June 8th of this year, a grand jury handed down a 44-page indictment listing 37 felony counts against former President Trump, for “felony violations
According to the World Health Organization, since the onset of COVID in late 2019 to date (late April of 2023), at least 3.3 million people
On August 12th, 2017, James Alex Fields Jr., a white supremacist, deliberately drove his car into a crowd of people protesting against a Right-wing rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer of Charlottesville, and injuring 35 others. Fields was immediately arrested and held without bail. The Attorney General was Jeff Sessions and President Trump was in the White House. Justice was swift.
Since we elected Biden President, and he appointed Vice President Harris his “Border Czar”… a record number of illegal immigrants have crossed our Southern border; a total of 4.9 million since January of 2021… 1.8 million in 2021 and 2.1 million so far in 2022, with another three months to go. Among them were a record 81 known terrorists; 15 in 2021 and another 66 this year!
American Liberals live in a strange world. In the Liberal world, America enjoys low crime, a stable economy, a secure border, and a strong foreign policy. In the Liberal world, America’s President is loved and respected far and wide, as an experienced elder statesman, the venerated leader of the free world. In the Liberal world, Global Warm-Cool-Change is a greater threat than China or Russia.