Category: Liberal Mindset

Heather Heyer and Cayler Ellingson

Two Kids Murdered… Show Me the Difference

On August 12th, 2017, James Alex Fields Jr., a white supremacist, deliberately drove his car into a crowd of people protesting against a Right-wing rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer of Charlottesville, and injuring 35 others. Fields was immediately arrested and held without bail.  The Attorney General was Jeff Sessions and President Trump was in the White House.  Justice was swift.

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Führer Adolf Hitler and his Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels with other high ranking members of the Nazi Party

The Big Lie

American Liberals live in a strange world. In the Liberal world, America enjoys low crime, a stable economy, a secure border, and a strong foreign policy. In the Liberal world, America’s President is loved and respected far and wide, as an experienced elder statesman, the venerated leader of the free world. In the Liberal world, Global Warm-Cool-Change is a greater threat than China or Russia.

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Air Force crewman inspecting "The Beast" being loaded onto a Boeing C-17 Globemaster III

In Pursuit of the Green Agenda

The new King of England – well known for his steadfast support for the Global Warm-Cool-Change Agenda – is requesting that visiting heads of State traveling to Queen Elizabeth’s funeral fly by commercial airline and that they move about by British government busses while in England. Hold your breath for that… and I want to see the King fly British Airways on his next trip to America!

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Trump Rallies His Supporters

Doom and Gloom… President Trump is Destroying America

The Presidency was supposed to have gone to Hillary Clinton in 2016.  Everyone knew that.  The Democrats knew it.  The Liberal media knew it.  Hell, even the Republicans knew it.  And every poll in America showed that as the only possible result… right up to election night.  Absolutely NOBODY expected Donald Trump to win in

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Wreckage of Soleimani's Vehicle

Death of a Monster

Iran is a global sponsor of terror.  They’ve been on the U.S. list of terrorist nations since 1984.  Their Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its subordinate special operations organization the Quds Force (In Arabic, Jerusalem is most commonly known as al-Quds, meaning “The Holy Sanctuary”) which specializes in unconventional warfare and operates globally organizing,

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President Obama and President Putin

An Examination of U.S.-Russian Relations Over Two Administrations

FACT: Let’s start by listing the number of times that President Obama met with the Russian President – either Dmitry Medvedev or Vladimir Putin… June 6th to 8th, 2009 he met in Moscow with President Dmitry Medvedev and (then) Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. December 17th to 19th, 2009 he met in Copenhagen with Russian President

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Bernie Sanders - American Socialist

Almost Half of America

For decades Americans have been subjected to a campaign of propaganda to bolster Socialism, erode our Constitutional rights, control our thoughts and behavior, and generally weaken the Christian, conservative morals and beliefs on which our country was founded.  The Democratic Party has been hijacked by Socialists, and the Leftist main stream media has provided a

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Cllinton and Putin

What Matters to 46.4% of Americans

Last night President Trump visited Bashar al-Assad with 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles built right here in the good ‘ol U S of A, and a lot more Americans than Liberals really want to believe wholeheartedly approve of that move.  The Russians and the bleeding heart, nothing-is-worth-war crowd on the American Left… well, not so much.

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Portland Rioters Rage Against Trump

A Liberal Tantrum

As I write this (November 12th), Liberal anarchists are rioting in downtown Portland… for the third night in a row now.  In fact, there are riots in more than a dozen major cities across America tonight… for the third night in a row.  We’ve seen dozens of celebrities promise to leave the United States.  Others

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Hillary Clinton delivers her concession speech

Thanks Be To God

Personally – for what it’s worth – I am excited to see what the next four years will bring.  I am quite relieved to see Barack Obama leaving.  I am thankful to God that Hillary Clinton and her husband are forever gone from the landscape of American politics.  I would like to see the Clintons

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