Category: IRS

The Worsening IRS E-Mail Cover-Up

On June 3rd, 2011 Representative David Camp (R-MI), Chairman of the powerful and influential House Ways & Means Committee, asked in an official letter to Doug Shulman – the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service at the time – about (1) suspected targeting by the IRS of Conservative non-profit groups, intentionally delaying their applications for

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Your Computer Ate Your E-Mail?

Of all of the lies, cover-ups and misdirection that the Obama administration has been responsible for since the 20th of January 2009 perhaps the most egregious is the recent announcement by the IRS that due to a “server crash” they have “lost” all of the outgoing e-mail belonging not only Lois Learner but conveniently to

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What Scandal?

What scandal? •  Mexican gun running under Fast and Furious • Revelations of member identities and operational details of SEAL Team 6 • Benghazi and the assassination of our Ambassador there • NSA monitoring our phone calls and e-mails • The Justice Departments repeated failures to prosecute black activists • Using drones in our own country without the benefit of

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Phony Scandals? Obama and the Media Agree on That!

When it comes to overspending, exploiting American rights for American security, pork-barreling, and playing politics with the critical issues that face our country, are Republicans just as bad as Democrats sometimes?  Yes, they are.  They’re all career politicians. Is Obama far and away the worst President that America could have elected – and then RE-ELECTED

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Arrogance and the Abuse of Power

By now you should know that the IRS is in some pretty deep trouble.  The White House is in full defense mode.  You’d think that there would be some people fired and some careers ruined by now trying to do damage control, huh? Nope.  Check this out. ABC News reports that the person that was

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