Category: Welfare

What is Capitalism?

In 2008 Michelle Obama said “Someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more.”  Really?  If you believe that then you’re either a moron (likely) or a Communist (also probably likely.) Leftist redistributionist philosophy is total crap! The idea that as the rich get

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The Mad Scot on Hillary, Immigration and Such

Here’s a bit from me First Mate… The Mad Scot! Republican = 206, Democrat = 247, Neutral = 85 The “Demmies” just love themselves some illegal immigrants!  Each blue state you see there has been blue in every Presidential election since 1992. A couple o’ hundred thousand new voters in Florida, much less a couple million

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Divide and Rule

Most of us have heard the term “divide and conquer” although we may not necessarily know exactly what it means. In military tactics “divide and conquer” can apply to defeating a large opposing force by breaking it into smaller, more easily defeated units. In everyday life “divide and conquer” can apply to solving a large,

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America’s Poorest Cities Run by Dems, But Poorest States Run by GOP?

I recently received an e-mail telling me that America’s 10 poorest cities were – and mostly have been for many years – run by Democrats.  I’ve seen this claim before, and decided to get to the bottom of this issue. The e-mail cites the U.S. Census Bureau, 2006 American Community Survey of August 2007, so

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Your “Right” to Health Care

A new survey finds that 80 percent of U.S. adults face unemployment and near-poverty; “Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor, and the loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.” During his weekly address on August 17,

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