Category: LGBTQ

Naked men expose themselves to ‘all ages’ during Seattle's "Pride Month" Parade June 26th

Suddenly… it’s “Pride Month 2023”

You can roll your eyes and tell me that the “LGBTQ movement” and “Pride Month” are just examples of a small, but vocal fringe percentage of the country.  You can tell me that we’ve always had gays, and we always will have gays.  And that’s true!  The Bible addresses homosexuality at length, especially in the

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Führer Adolf Hitler and his Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels with other high ranking members of the Nazi Party

The Big Lie

American Liberals live in a strange world. In the Liberal world, America enjoys low crime, a stable economy, a secure border, and a strong foreign policy. In the Liberal world, America’s President is loved and respected far and wide, as an experienced elder statesman, the venerated leader of the free world. In the Liberal world, Global Warm-Cool-Change is a greater threat than China or Russia.

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