Category: Gun Control

Guns, Vets, Feinstein and Snopes

Apparently back on the 7th of March 2013 during a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting there was a discussion of an amendment offered by Texas Senator John Cornyn.  During this meeting Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) allegedly said something like “All vets are mentally ill in some way and government should prevent them from owning firearms.” I

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UN Arms Treaty a Menace for Years to Come

Several weeks ago one of my relatives expressed concern about the US becoming a signatory to the UN Arms Trade Treaty – the ATT.  At that time I assured her that there was no chance of this treaty being   ratified, and I hold to that.  I also expressed that I fully expected the US to

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Murder in America

In the wake of the trial in Florida of George Zimmerman for his part in the shooting death of Travon Martin I am distressed – as I would hope a great many of you out there are distressed – that many Americans, including a large number of black Americans, and all of the standard stable of

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